Through the Fog Trailer
What People Are Saying
The words in this study gave me permission to ask, feel, and sit in very real things that have been in my heart for a long time that I've never seen addressed within the Church.
-Rebekah Hutchinson, Cancer Survivor and RA Warrior
This study forever changed my walk with Jesus.
-Andrew Moceo, US Marine Veteran, Injured in Service
Tera's calling to reach people who are chronically suffering is such light in a very dark place! The reminders she gives that the journey with our Savior is the reward bring hope and soul-healing!
-Dana Lisowski, Cancer Warrior
Through the Fog restored the broken relationship I had with my body after being in pain for so long.
-Buddy Weaver, Triathlete
I believe this Bible Study is going to set so many people free from the bondage of their pain.
-Shontel Jackson-Taylor, Endometriosis Warrior and Founder of Purpose in the Pain Ministries
My pain journey is 20+ years and this study is one that I will continue to refer back to as I walk with Christ.
-Kathy Schmitz, Trigeminal Neuralgia Warrior

The Study
What is it?
A 6-week journey straight into the toughest issues surrounding pain, healing, and God’s nature.
What's included?
5 days of study per week
7 online video teachings
Personal reflection questions
OPTIONAL Leader Guide
OPTIONAL Spiritual Warfare Guide
How could it change me?
• Be able to embrace the emotional and spiritual pain resulting from your physical pain
• Learn how to escape the pits of discouragement, anger, and loneliness
• Identify the possible ways God could lead you through your chronic pain
• Be equipped with habits and disciplines to help you in your journey
• Find strength to persevere when things get hard
• Discover God’s beautiful redemption in your pain
What formats are there?
• More daily scripture
• Includes “Gray Zone” sections
• Pairs with Devotional


(Recommended to read on large screen)

Large Print

Audio Book
• Less daily scripture
• Pairs with Study


(Recommended to read on large screen)

Audio Book
The Portal
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