Spouses of People Who Are Physically Suffering
There's nothing like watching the one you love suffer while feeling completely helpless. It can be hard not to feel angry, lonely, or discouraged in this kind of situation but we want you to know that you're not alone. Below are some of our top conversations with spouses of people who are also physically suffering as they share their personal journey toward experiencing God's goodness amidst the suffering of their spouse.

In 2008, Dr. Kapic’s wife was diagnosed with cancer. As he partnered with her on the journey, he says that he was “unprepared for the weight of watching, for the weight of walking beside a suffering one.” Though she eventually was declared cancer-free, debilitating pain surfaced in all four limbs, leading the Kapics to the Mayo Clinic and the diagnosis of a rare disorder called erythromelalgia, or “man on fire” syndrome. Her ever-present fatigue and daily, even hourly, pain, puts real life tissue of personal testimony on the foundational bones of the theology of suffering Dr. Kapic had. It’s this combination that I think you will find incredible as you listen to the episode.

Life coach Shari Davenport joins us in this episode to talk about her insights on walking with her husband through his cancer journey. She invites us to grapple with our own mortality, to respect those we love and their decisions for treatment, and to allow our emotions instead of resisting them. I think you’ll find more than one tip to take away from this episode and apply to your life!

Matt shares his and his wife's story of going through end-stage renal disease, or kidney failure, for 20 years before Kristina went home to be with the Lord. He shares the spiritual struggles, personal agony, and incredible victory he has had through this journey in addition to practical tips for people who love someone with a chronic illness, like dealing with medical bills and how to maintain commitment in your marriage when half of your time is spent in the hospital. Whether you have a terminal disease, you love someone who does, or you're simply want to hear an inspiring testimony of God's goodness amidst all things, listen to this episode.